Product Transfers/ Rate Switches

Product Transfers/ Rate Switches

Why should you use an adviser to look at a product transfer/ rate switch as opposed to go direct to the lender- Today I have seen a client that was going to go direct and settle for a 2.64% fixed rate with the lender over 5 years, the loan to valuation was 80.12% I...
90% is back

90% is back

Good Evening, We have seen lots of major banks and building society’s now re-enter the market of 90% mortgages with the rates also coming down in line with the increased competition. if you would like more information feel free to get in...
Seasons Greetings!

Seasons Greetings!

As another year comes to an end I wanted to thank you for your support, it is always appreciated. I also wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year has been very hard with the virus and all that goes with it so I appreciate...
Seasons Greetings!

Seasons Greetings!

As another year comes to an end I wanted to thank you for your support, it is always appreciated. I also wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. This year has been very hard with the virus and all that goes with it so I appreciate...
Fast Mortgage offer.

Fast Mortgage offer.

We really have some good news stories in the world of mortgages at the moment and the market has come back with a bang. This week we made an application to the Halifax at 6pm at 85% LTV on a house purchase the following day by midday we had an automated valuation and...
Positive News!

Positive News!

The news is full of doom and gloom at present. However we had some good news today, 3 of our clients that have been trying to get move dates for some time now have exchanged and are due to complete next week. We are firmly open for business at present. Most cases are...